lissett0317 Member


  • :) Hello all. 35, will be 36 on April (EEEEK)... I have 2 boys, 15 years old and 1-year-old:s yeah I know big gap. Anyways, this momma is back and ready o kick *kitten*. It's been 9 days since I started using my fitness pal, and committed to a workout routine and focused on my eating habits and I am 6 pounds down :) Would…
  • Hello all. Congrats @aliciamcielesz :) I am also back and ready to kick butt with health and fitness. I also had a baby who turned one on December; I had postpartum anxiety/depression and was sleep deprived for about 8 months, baby boy does not like to sleep :s lol, finally things are getting back to normal. I also have a…