I know that all to well.
Anybody else been finding it hard lately to no snack?
My petty reason is to be the one walking down the side walk that the men want and the woman wish they were. I know I could do that now I just need a little more confidence. That is why I'm losing weight. Oh yeah and I also want to be healthy for myself lol!!!!
I am so on board with that too
It isn't a youtube video or anything but I have started to do push ups off the counter at work in down time as well as doing a few squats. I may look strange to my coworkers but at this point we have worked together long enough they know the truth lol!!! Just trying to get just a little extra movement.
People with a similar story!!! I'm 38 and have struggled with weight my whole life. I had a bad relationship with it. If I was happy I ate, if I was sad I ate, if I was board I ate. About 7 or 8 years ago I decided to do something about my weight, I wan't happy with how I looked or felt. I did a extreme diet and it did…
Accountability is something I need :) I had lost a lot of weight a few years ago and told myself (like most do) that I will never see [insert number] again. Long story short I hit that number again and went past. So have been at it to get below said number and back down to a weight I am much happier at. My goal for this…