FoxyFinck10 Member


  • @grammykp58- You can bookmark this challenge, so you don't have to keep going into community and scrolling down to it. After the title, over to the right, you will see a star. Highlight it and then it will be bookmarked.
  • @Kimmie_H81- I am just following MFP and going to the gym at least 3-4 times a week. I'm trying to lose my weight this time around with making it more realistic on what I'm actually going to continue to do after losing all of the weight. 3-4 times a week at the gym is manageable for me, so that's what I'm sticking with. I…
  • I feel that I am logging my foods consistently and my exercising. I want to exercise a little more than what I am now. I feel better after doing so, plus I know I can eat a little more if I do ;) I like that this time around on MFP I am losing at a slower rate, which means that it will be more attainable for me.
  • I'm definitely in! I am also starting at 175 lbs. and would like to be 150 lbs. I'm looking forward to the motivation and being held accountable!
  • Hello everyone! I just started back to a healthier lifestyle about three weeks ago. Started going back to the gym and watching my calories. I love looking at the success stories and seeing what works for other people. This time around with MFP, I am doing it for me and no one else. I want to be the best person I can be for…