Hi Ladies, very excited to connect with people who understand our extra starchy foods in Naija :smirk: My biggest challenge is dinner when after a long day I just want some rice and stew until my tummy feels full! Been working on making healthier options that still make me feel full like soups and Brown rice. What's…
Hi Ladies, definitely interested in sharing tips with fellow Naijas! My weight loss journey has been slow but I think I'm OK with that since I trying to create an eating plan I can stick with for life. I've swapped out most of my carbs for whole grain options, replaced red meats with chicken and minimized bread (that is…
I know this post is about a year old but I'm interested in a step challenge. I typically do about 5,000 steps on an average day, sometimes a little higher or lower. I'm trying to push my average steps up by jogging in the mornings. Are you still interested?
Just joining halfway through February but my goal is to get on my treadmill at home and run/jog/walk twice a week for 30 minutes. This means 180 minutes this month. I CAN DO THIS!!!