Wow I’ve never thought of it like that. It’s been 2 years of struggling with binging and weight gain and I’ve never heard your advice before. I wish I’ve heard it before because it put things in a new perspective for me! I’ll keep in mind what you’ve said going forward. Thanks so much
Wow, those reasons for a binge line up perfectly to my reasons! Thank you so much for responding and I’m so glad to see someone whose been in my shoes before. I’ll be sure to think about what you’ve said.
I really appreciate your advice. My weekends wind up being cheat days where I do tend to binge an unhealthy amount, and as a result I’ve lowered the amount I eat during the weekdays to compensate for weekend binges, but that just ended in a MEGA binge yesterday! Thanks for responding and I’ll be sure to think about what…
It was a pretty bad binge, setting me back a couple thousand calories. I didn’t log the binge for all reasons you described... lol. I understand where you’re coming from and I am trying hard to tell myself it’s a process and that it’s not perfect. Thanks so much for responding.