I also forgot to mention that my mom's weight gain was intentional, but she had spent many years before trying to gain weight without success.
Hi! I'm currently 100 lbs and I'm 5'3. I want to gain 50 lbs because even though I'm not underweight, I have a tiny torso, long limbs, and I'm flatter than a carpet. I have a super fast metabolism and my mom is short and thin like me. She had tried every trick in the book to gain weight when she was younger such as adding…
I think you'd find that information on Googld faster
By the way, I weigh 100 pounds and I'm 5'3. My goal is 150 pounds as well!
Hi! I just started lasterday and started entering my calorie intake yesterday. I'm trying to gain weight as well because I look like a toothpick especially when I wear jeans or shorts and I'm overall flatter than a carpet. I'm not underweight actually, I just have a very low fat percent, however, I have a pretty large…