Hey I have PCOS also and struggle with weight gain and loosing weight! I’ve never heard of Optifast before, what is it? I’m doing slimfast atm just to give my weight loss a kick start! How are you getting on?
@squishylicious thank you! Well done on making the decision to make yourself happier and healthier!! My first proper weigh in tomoz! I’ve lost 7lb so far and am hoping for another 1lb. It’s my first week so I know my future weight loss probably won’t be anywhere near that! How far along is everyone and how’s it going?
Hiya ladies!! Im joining the party if that’s ok 😊 I reached my highest weight in December and after seeing photos of myself I was devastated to see just how big I had gotten, I hadn’t really realised that I had this giant I’m on a mission! I started slimfast 5 days ago, my plan is to do this for a month to prepare…