maraingerham Member


  • Brutal HIIT. AMRAP each station for 12 min Station 1: Sprint/Run .20 miles Row 200 meters 20 wall balls 20 total kneed rotations w med ball Station 2: Assault bike 10 cal 20 box jumps SL (SINGLE LEG!!) 20 chest press 20 Single Arm overhead snatch Station 3. 30 rope slams 30 jumping lunges 30 kettlebell swings 30 goblet…
  • @Jflowwers I think strength training 3-4 days a week is good for a beginning program. If you trust your trainer and their certifications and experience (how long have they been training? do they have testimonials from past clients?) then I would follow that. Listen to the podcast “Thick Thighs Save Lives” :) on iTunes.…
  • I really think the most important thing is not to get derailed by the absence of VISIBLE progress right now. I KNOW it’s so hard. Trust me. I know firsthand. Before you do anything or eat anything or binge or say F it ask yourself, “Will doing this being me TOWARDS where I want to be (my goal) or will it take me AWAY from…
  • Are you strength training? Lifting weights? Tell me about your workouts. Muscle hypertrophy, girlfriend. When you strength train you literally tear the muscle fibers apart so they can rebuild STRONGER and bigger. Helllllllo inflammation!! What does our body do when there’s all this trauma taking place? It brings extra…
  • Yeah, I’m finding myself frustrated as I’m becoming increasingly neurotic about it all and given that I have a history of eating disorders I really have to be careful with this and make sure it stays on the healthy track. To keep from spending all my time on this damn app I’m not logging things like black coffee, spinach,…
  • Happiness and feeling fulfilled in your life have so much more to do with who you are, what you value, what is meaningful to you, relationships, etc than your physical size. Period. I’ve been 95 lbs at 5’5” and I’ve been up to 150 lbs and everywhere in between, always thinking that looking a certain way would make me feel…