There's 2 types of donation, one where you get paid and one you don't. The unpaid are run by nonprofits to supply hospitals with blood products, RBCs/platelets/plasma/etc. It's illegal to pay people for their blood for use in a patient, otherwise you'd have O- people running around demanding $25k for a pint, same with AB…
Didn't know about the Vitamin C/iron link. I thought I had been eating enough of both but looking back through my food log some days I was over on both and some days way low on one or the other. I'll try some vitamin c and iron supplements and see if that helps. Thanks everyone.
No strenuous exercise lately, burn most my calories at work. Standing all day, lots of arm movement labeling/packing product etc, not a ton of actual steps but some. So for better absorption instead of using lunch/dinner to make sure I hit my protein goal for day cut back on the large protein intake and space it out with a…