miss_goodwin Member


  • Thank you! I’m going to have to do more research now. I was wondering what DHA was in my prenatals!! I try to have salmon at least once a week, but unfortunately the wild caught is soooo expensive my husband doesn’t want to continue to buy it. We just tried some frozen wild caught, but it was not nearly as good 🤷‍♀️ looks…
  • Thx guys! I do eat white beans and mixed nuts every other day and I’ll make sure I’m including them more often. I really don’t want to sound like a child, but I don’t think I could eat organ meat, I know it most likely tastes fine, but I just can’t haha. I’ll have too look up that lucky iron fish too. I’ve tried to include…
  • Chia seeds expand in your stomach like rice so maybe they make a Greek yogurt with chia and oats??? The fiber should make u feel fuller.
  • Thank you all for your encouragement, support, and insights. I’m so inspired by some of your journeys! I’m meeting with my obgyn Monday for my 6 week follow up so I will consult with him and show him my food journal. I’m feeling great and even started some light cardio like Zumba (but I hang completed an entire video yet…