anthocyanina Member


  • Hello everyone, Love running, but I change it up with other forms of exercise so my mileage per week varies. On a weekday morning I go about 3-4 miles and like to do a longer run (5-6 miles) on the weekend. Hills, flats, steady pace, intervals, I try not to get stuck in a rut.
  • Freshly roasted beans from a local roaster. I like to try different varieties and roasts. Currently it's a medium roast heirloom bean from Ethiopia. Usually I drink it black. Good beans need less/no embellishment (similar to chocolate) and when I'm paying for great coffee beans I don't want to cover them up. When I'm in…
  • I get hives from exercise. (No joke!) It's worse in the winter if I exercise in cold weather and then come inside where it's warmer afterwards. On bad days it also affects my airways. Do you ever notice any breathing difficulties when it happens or is just your skin affected? I would ask my doctor about it if I were you.
  • You're right, not all liquids have the same density as water. Some are similar enough as to not really matter and others are significantly different. The website does conversions between weight and volume. It even has info on specific brands.[/quote]
  • Kitchen scales are great for precise baking. Measure a cup of flour 3 times and you'll get 3 different amounts by weight. You can get volume to weight conversion for flour and other ingredients right off the nutrition facts label on the package. Or check out Michael Ruhlman's book, "Ratio" to learn more about cooking by…
  • On a tracking day I weigh fruits and veggies, before cooking if I'm making the meal. If I'm tracking when eating out, I just eyeball servings. I count a serving of cooked veggies as smaller than a serving of raw, depending on how much water it loses through cooking. For example, a serving of cooked carrots is a little…
  • I'm whole food plant based in that the majority of my diet comes from whole plant foods. Most of my meals are vegan, although I'll eat eggs, salmon, or dairy from time to time. Glad to join you all in your healthy journeys. Will try to add ya'll as friends :)
  • @hawkydo try gradually increasing the amount of vegetables you eat to give your digestive system time to adjust.
  • Hello! I recently turned 50, am like-minded & willing to cheer and be cheered, but I just joined and not sure how to add people yet
  • Hello, I'm happy to give and get motivation! But I just joined and I'm not sure how to add people.
  • My interpretation of whole food plant based is mostly, but not limited to healthful whole plant foods. So I'm ok with eggs, and feel like personally I do better health-wise with a not quite vegan diet that allows for occasional animal products. I prefer my eggs to come from actual pastured/free range chickens. You can…
  • I start out with purple cabbage and kale or other sturdy leafy green (most lettuce is too wimpy for my heavy toppings), cut like cole slaw, and dressed with a homemade olive oil vinaigrette. I add enough hearty toppings to make a meal of it: things like roasted vegetables, avocado, nuts/seeds, pickled beets, pan-seared…
  • I'm on day 84. Not really counting, I have a tracking app so I can look it up. Because if I didn't, when I go to the doctor and he asks when my last period was, I'd have to say "Honestly, I have no idea." and then he'd think I'm a total ditz (which I'm not :p )
  • Hi everyone! Just joined MFP and this group today. I'm 50 and doing fairly well in perimenopause, although just when I think it's finally all over, another period (and round of migraines) comes along to prove me wrong.
  • Hello, I just came back too. Tried another app for awhile, but the food database wasn't as complete and it was more complicated to use.
  • Hi everyone, 50 here. My daughter started college this year and I'm going back to school too, to study nutrition. Trying to juggle it all (family, job, school, fitness, friends) can be a challenge, but I love it! <3
  • Hello! Active and recently turned 50. B) Nice to meet you!