jemam2015 Member


  • I don’t eat much meat only chicken, sausage and abit of fish, the rest of the time I’d have quorn as substitute think that has a lot of protein in
  • I’m using a scale 😊 I’m just surprised at how much food weighs
  • Sorry I hadn’t read the comments after this, don’t know what to believe now. Il just carry on what I’m doing and maybe just have a cheat meal a week does anyone else do this?
  • Iv checked online and it says I need around 1500 per day it’s strange how your body can go into starvation mode yet I don’t feel hungry
  • Things take time though nothing happens in a day, if you really want to change then you will, when you first see progress that will do wonders and will motivate you to keep going, aslong as you enjoy it you will succeed! Don’t beat yourself up for having just 200 calories just make sure you have foods you like and you will…
  • You can still have those foods, opt for the thin bagels at juat over 100 calories per bagel and maybe have with a light cheese spread, that’s only around 150 calories then you could have fruit with yoghurt or some cereal with the remaining breakfast calories.
  • Oh no ☹️ how many roughly are you used to eating? I probably ate around 3000 probably more as I didn’t watch what I ate at all and I juat grabbed chocolates and sweets and wouldn’t look how many calories they were, I’d have about two takeouts a week so I thought this would be really difficult for me but it’s not. I always…
  • Thanks 😊
  • Yes sometimes I do eat the extra calories iv burnt only if I need them though. I haven’t looked into it properly as you suggest but I am eating lots of vegetables and low calorie foods so I’ll be full which gives me the energy
  • I haven’t read into anything about doing 1200 but I just thought give it a go and if I can’t do it then il have more calories but I seem to be fine. I’m still eating things I like and very rarely go over, only by about 10 calories which is nothing anyway. I thought I’d be more hungry as I work out too but I’m not and I…
  • This is me too! But iv learnt to leave around 100 calories out of my 1200 for around 9pm to have a small snack then I’m ok 😊