A broken black electric guitar with only string left
A for analytical Q for quirky U for uncompromising A for action-focused R for respectful I for intelligent U for unique S for sincere Not exactly sure what action-focused means so maybe i'm "aqurus" instead :D :p
Love yourself
Road to peace - Tom waits
Want it
Great needs indulge sophisticated creativity K D A S I
Yes to snacks and nibbles :) Q O F B T
Read that as calm noises of rocks :) starts around the 1 min 20 mark
Hot shower then at the end go to cold shower for a bit then super hot again, make sure ur room is cold or cool dont watch tv or use ur phone n stuff for a half an hour b4 trying to sleep and dont have coffee or tea unless u r like me n aren't affected by caffeine.. n also don't think about bad stuff like school or life…
I can shoot a 40 pound recurve bow while on horseback and hit a target bullseye or within a 10cm spread 15 meters away like 80% of the time..but only with specific arrows and i can hold my breath for two and a half minutes well 2 mins and 29 seconds but took me ages n ages 2 go from under a minute to that long n…
Probably as long as kelley knows how to ride horses, got plenty to spare as well as a barn full of metal pokey things
A cheapie ceramic brush and a jar of strawberry Jam :)
Watching the walking dead
Found some of my fav strawberry jam after they stopped selling it last yr
Door bell
Snowpiercer. It hurt my brain and was a bit scary.
Sore :( fractured my middle finger and because it's cold here it feels worse.. u never realise how much u use ur hands until u can't 😂🤣😅😢
Jenny of oldstones but the one from krod or kvrod on youtube.. not singing it but like ill be doin something and end up humming it :)
Guess i'm a bit different to most people on here I'm here 2 actually gain weight and write down everything i eat to make sure im eating it :)
Clothes always clothes! And six pillows :)
Sugar water by Cibo matto
Tired and a lil grumpy
Melanie martinez - play date..But it literally just ended and something else i don't know just started playing