Thelazyegg Member


  • Full fat Greek yogurt with strawberries and some ground seeds. Glad the weather is warm enough that I can eat a cold breakfast now!
  • Hello, I’m 39 from the UK and have fallen pretty hard off the healthy lifestyle wagon after the year from hell!
    in Re joined Comment by Thelazyegg May 9
  • I’m looking for some friends/accountability partners! I’m 39, from the UK with about 14lbs to lose. After the year from hell I’ve fallen off the diet and exercise wagon but I’m fast approaching my 40th birthday and I want to be the best version of myself I can be.
  • North west England here, feel free to add me (ANYONE!). I’m starting again for what feels like the 100th time. Have a stone to lose.
  • Hi, I don’t have any advice to give but I’m in the same boat. In my 30s, maintained my ideal weight without trying up to this point but it’s crept on.I don’t have a lot to lose (I’m 129lb, I’d be happy to get down to 120), but progress is so slow it’s practically non existent. I guess we just need to grit our teeth and…
  • I’m glad to see a few people in the same boat as me, similar stats too. I’m finding it such a slog to motivate myself to lose these last pounds. I mean I look ok? And I’m healthy? But my old clothes don’t fit and I don’t feel as comfortable in my own skin. Friends and family aren’t supportive, and seem to take it as a…
  • Yeah, I’m actually 129lbs, don’t know how I managed to mistype that! (Edited it now). Body composition is a weird one though. I’m a size 8 up top, but I have a massive bum.