EmpressBarbara Member


  • I am a dietitian - although I haven't worked clinically for a few years. I agree with a lot of people here, counting calories is neither good nor bad, it's a tool that may help some people. Some work really well with metrics. They count their calories and keep a record of their fitness efforts, and it's motivating for…
  • Alexandra, I've never heard of fructose intolerance reactions - wow it sounds like you need to lead a very carefully controlled life! Please take care of yourself, I am so sympathetic. You endure a lot of pain. I did do a couple of Miranda workouts, Anabirgite - one for upper body and one for lower body. I went to bed with…
  • Wow that's very intriguing! I'm going to do Miranda's workout this very afternoon!
  • Thanks for the recommendations - I will try! Not the CBD, I have tried that with no effect. My hubby works in marijuana research and development, so I was able to try different formulations from pure CBD, to CBD plus THC, to pure THC. Some people get relief from it but THC just makes me sleepy and dizzy, and CBD does…
  • Anabirgite - at last, I have found my people!! And they are you! I never had food triggers, but I did have hormonal triggers before menopause. So what are these over the counter suggestions you use?
  • Yes, one week isn't a long enough sample. But it's a start. I also lost a pound but I'm not excited about that, it's the same pound I've gained and lost for a year. As for electrolytes - I'm not on a keto diet, or high protein diet, so I'm not worried about electrolytes. I just follow a normal healthy diet with 45–65% of…
  • The science now suggests that diet has little to do with gout flare-ups, although you should eat a healthy diet in general. But I'll tell you what helps my hubby. He's a biochemist, and went about it in a scientific way. He thought, gout is caused by uric acid crystals in the joint. What do you do when you want to dissolve…
  • Girl, whatever floats your boat! Who says no to joy? The Grinch, that's who!
  • As an update - 7 days of recording calories, it seems that I can keep the migraines away at around 1900-2100 calories. Or I have this week anyway. Below that and I can start to feel it coming on. I was a bit surprised that I eat a relatively high ratio of fat to protein - healthy fat, for the most part, but still, I…
  • I doubt I have any issue with electrolytes. In a healthy person like me, you only see electrolyte imbalance as a result of excessive vomiting, sweating, fever. Nor do I eat a lot of refined carbs, ever. I'm a whole grain girl. Except, of course, after a migraine!
  • 1400 calories is very low. 1500 on days you work out 3-4 hours is way low. Emma Thompson said dieting destroyed her metabolism - this restrictive calorie regimen may well destroy yours. I know that's not your question - your question is - why the sudden drive to eat, when I didn't have it before? Maybe like a previous…
  • I did try the IF, got a massive migraine - but that might have been in combination with not enough food. I think I'll figure out first what my minimum caloric requirements are before trying anything else.
  • I graze like a boss - if that's an expression. I try not to let myself get overly hungry, because of the migraine trigger. Yes only fellow migrainers can understand. I used to work in a hospital and sometimes noticed the nurses getting judgmental when people with old head injuries would come in looking for drugs. Sometimes…
  • Mithrides - well, that's the question I'm trying to answer by using the food/calorie tool here - is there a minimum number of calories I always need to consume? Or does the macronutrient ratio play into it? What about stress - under very stressful conditions, I can eat very little and get away with it. At this point, I…
  • I'm actually not sure what my maintenance level is - but I am going for 1800 - 1900 calories to see where that gets me (more on workout days). According to the Harris Benedict equation, I need 2099 calories to maintain on a "slightly active" day. But math is one thing, real life is more complicated. This is a new…
  • Absolutely I count my coffee! It is true that caffeine is a diuretic, but drinking a cup of coffee does not result in a net loss of water - that's a pervasive myth that, as a dietitian, I wish would go away! So, if you drink 250 ml of coffee, you might lose 15 ml as extra urine. But don't sweat it. It's fine. Let's stop…