mlh57 Member


  • Highest wt: 245 (in 2011) Start wt: 164.0 (May 28) Goal wt: 159.0 (for June- ultimate goal weight 145 lb) May 31: 162.2 (I'm not surprised by this. I was not following my diet well before and plateaued for a month at 164, and now I'm sticking to a plan again) June 7: 161.2 June 14: 162.4 :-I June 21: June 28:
  • Highest wt: 245 (in 2011) Start wt: 164.0 (May 28) Goal wt: 159.0 (for June- ultimate goal weight 145 lb) May 31: 162.2 (I'm not surprised by this. I was not following my diet well before and plateaued for a month at 164, and now I'm sticking to a plan again) June 7: 161.2 June 14: June 21: June 28:
  • Highest wt: 245 (in 2011) Start wt: 164.0 (May 28) Goal wt: 159.0 (for June- ultimate goal weight 145 lb) May 31: 162.2 (I'm not surprised by this. I was not following my diet well before and plateaued for a month at 164, and now I'm sticking to a plan again) June 7: June 14: June 21: June 28:
  • Highest wt: 245 (in 2011) Start wt: 164.0 (May 28) Goal wt: 159.0 (for June- ultimate goal weight 145 lb) May 31: June 7: June 14: June 21: June 28:
  • I'm open to new friends to help keep the motivation going!
  • Start wt: Goal wt: 159.0 May 31: June 7: June 14: June 21: June 28: