minimaljen Member


  • Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! In fact, I've been known to eat breakfast all day long.
  • This sounds kind of crazy, but maybe you need to eat a few more calories? Sometimes when we cut calories too drastically, our bodies go into 'starvation mode' and try to hold onto to every pound. It sounds like you are active, so I don't know if adding anymore exercise is necessary. Another thing I notice is that I'm very…
  • Hi everyone! Not new to MFP, but coming back after losing 45 pounds and regaining 20. Still in my 40's (just barely), and feeling the stress of being in the 'sandwich' generation - between aging parents and an adult kid who needs looking after! Looking for motivation and support. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Just found this thread. Anyone still around for support and motivation? I lost 45 pounds in 2016 and gained nearly 20 back in 2018. Have spent most of this year pretending it didn't happen. But my clothes are getting tight, and my knee pain is back, so I just can't ignore it anymore. I always do better with weight loss…