MmeZeeZee Member


  • No need to be ashamed of knowing your limits and doing what you need to in order to develop healthier habits. A lot of people will run water over junk food that's left in the house, or throw something on top of it in the trash so they aren't tempted to go back in. Yep. And if someone on this thread has never seen anyone do…
  • I bet if you lost 1 lb per week, so 8 lbs, and started exercising during that time to move some fat into muscle, you'd look almost like you lost 40 lbs. That might be a better goal for you long term.
  • Not sure what a "bad" ingredient is either. OP I think you should pick up Michael Pollan's work. It is not opposed to basic sane nutritional guidance but it will give you a better sense of how to achieve that without breaking your brain. I don't count cholesterol but am easily under my daily recommended amount just by…
  • @msurkus I'm not sure if you're joking or not when you comment on beans and your Mexican friends. Most beans have .1g of fat per serving. If your friends are fat it's almost certainly not due to beans, which are hard to consume in huge quantities. Most likely it's sugars and carbs, and lard used for cooking. Beans are a…
  • Beans and nuts are great. Nuts are an excellent snack and drizzling chopped nuts on salads, etc. is really good for you. For beans, lots of burritos. Add white beans to a pasta or quinoa dish. You can marinate beans. Tostada night is always fun--pile on refried beans to a corn tortilla and add a ton of veggies. Vegetarian…
  • Is there something else going on in your life right now that you're worried about?
  • Yes. I get that it's "only" 100 or so calories over the whole day for just lettuce, but then again a 30 minute medium workout is "only" 120 calories and I definitely am tracking the workouts. :smiley:
  • If that's you in the picture, provided there was no editing, you need to just buy the right size. Even elite women athletes will have skin that will get pushed up and over when clothes get too tight. Look at these track competitors:…
  • I need a group so I'm in! I joined the "over 40s" but that group is dead (not literally). :smile: I want to get back to what i was last summer. It's just 5 lbs but I'm using this app to reset my food awareness because I am over 40 so apparently metabolism changes even if you keep exercising. Probably need to do more…
  • Hi everyone. I just joined. Never had any trouble with my weight but last month I went to the doctor and learned I had gained about 1 lb a month got the past 6 months! And here I thought my weight was just "shifting" lol. Well, reality is here. My goal is modest, just 6 lbs and maintain, but I did what I did after college…