nefrusy Member


  • Thanks, well done on your weight loss as well. I may have to check out Kinobody if I have trouble getting to my goal. I am currently at 15% body fat, but I am trying to get to that 8-10% so I can have chiseled abs before I turn 40. The last time I was that fit was at age 18, and my body fat was somewhere around 6-8% then…
  • I just wanted to add my two cents that it is possible to shed body fat at a really fast pace, at least to start. I hadn't done any serious cardio in years, and didn't watch what I ate... added 25 lbs since college (age 39 now). I decided to make some major changes mid-February, and lost 8 lbs of BF in 4 weeks, then another…
  • That's so strange that your friends are offering congratulations. That'd only make sense if your ex-husband was a real jerk, and you were getting out of a terrible relationship. Sorry to hear about the loss... I know what you mean about the sadness of the relationship not working out. I'm in a 10-year marriage that's about…
    in Divorce Comment by nefrusy March 2019