I need some friends!! Anyone trying to do this with a heart condition or chronic pain? hit me up. I feel so alone. :( bleh.
Thats the problem....I haven' thats an issue in itself...
I don't see her for another month :(
I'm a sodaholic. It took forever to get off the regular kind. I'd go mental if i didn't have my occasional coke zero :neutral:
I completely understand. I got diagnosed with Afib of Auguest 2018 and was pretty much told I would die if i didn't change my life. One week of getting out of the hospital I had my first Sciatica flare up and was crippled for a week. Every time I thought I was getting better I would have another flare up...this went on…
Sure. Lessbe friends. <3
At least i'm not the only one.....The scale was driving me insane. I lived by it :'( My wife ended up having to hide it and honestly, my stress level is so much better.
Hey everyone. Gay, but married to a woman, my best friend :smile: ….long story lol but I would love to reach my health goals with people who understand me! Feel free to connect!