lilgreenkid6526 Member


  • Managed to have a 425 calorie meal eating out today! I might actually have the very rare occasion to have to add to my dinner tonight to make sure I hit my calorie goal.
  • What happens late at night can haunt you in the morning. Instead of eating cookies and bread tonight I had a few nuts and some tea. I still want to eat everything that is in my fridge but I got to have something and didn't go over my calories. That a win, and I know I will be glad about it in the morning.
  • Said no to a meal after I had finished my calories for the day! Sometimes the peer pressure to go ahead and have some is awkward but saying no is very worth it in the end.
  • I started my exercise program today! It is very simple and could probably be vamped up so I would gain muscle and lose fat faster but I just needed something to get me going before I dive in to the more intense exercises.
  • Was driving home from work and I saw a Sonic. I am posting this instead of eating a burger at 10:00p.m. Got to keep them small changes strong!