kyresha1 Member


  • Just updating ! SW:275 CW:245 This week has been interesting I got offered a promotion at work which I’m excited for, but I know my coworkers will not be as thrilled... so I’ve just been preparing myself for the backlash, which involves me working out extra hard so that I can distract my mind.. Completed my first week of…
  • SW: 275 CW:247 GW:180 Joining the group again because it really has kept me accountable. I am proud to say I have dropped 16lbs in May and I have completed all of the Cize program!! I feel better I look better and I cant wait to keep going! Goals this month: Start a new beachbody program still debating t20 or 80 day…
  • I have slacked on the updates but I’m back lol CW:252 So this past week and a half have been mentally challenging for me. I’m doing Keto ontop of cize, and I have I am very disappointed to admit that I have went off of the rails with my nutrition. But I have managed to keep up with my exercise amazingly.. I have ran into…
  • SW: 275 CW: 252 GW: 180ish Goals: Just started Cize and I am pushing to finish it this month Find a way to get more steps in Closely watch my nutrition and actually weigh things instead of pretending I can eyeball 2oz lol