deepprsad7965 Member


  • @bjkoziara couldn’t send you a request, looks like it’s locked.
  • @Terytha the problem with me not wanting to eat what I want is I just can’t stop if I like something and I e d up going beyond calories and feeling bad about the decision of letting me do that. It’s easier for me to stay away from foods I like rather than eat a little. I’m a foodie and restricting partly when I like…
  • @bjkoziara well I see that you posted 23 lbs fine in 8 weeks and that’s somewhere around 11 a month. That is a very good progress and it couldn’t have been achieved with absolute discipline and motivation to keep going. 8 weeks is almost 61 days and that’s a long journey to not fall off track. Congratulations.
  • @LyndaBSS hey Lynda when I said cheat meal it’s something when I consume buffet food where I eat till I stuff my face and then feed bad about that decision. It’s just that food in front of me tempts me so much that I fall off track so easily and a person like me needs a lot more motivation than anyone else to just be on…
  • @bradleyxavier congrats on achieving the results you wanted. Would you be able to say in how many months you lost 80 and what’s ur current weight at?
  • @physed1111 i’m down 6 since I started, i’m assuming it’s water and little fat. After going through a lot of YouTube videos I feel I can achieve this within 7 months considering I can do 10 lbs a month. Again you might think that’s unhealthy but it’s said it’s safe to lose 2 lbs a week soon just gonna push it a little more…
  • Guys, please friend me so we can watch our activities and calories consumed so we know we can be stopped when we either miss to log or log more than required so we always stay on track
  • Thanks for the replies guys.