NotWhoIUsedToBe Member


  • Thanks for your welcome! That feels great! I miss the people I used to work with. We were a tight crew; we really looked out for each other. I write to one person, and see another socially several times a year, but that life-saving comraderie isn't there for me now. I was forced to retire in 2014 when I experienced two…
  • I realized tonight that I have stopped journaling and singing- two indicators that I am allowing anxiety to get the upper hand in my life. I spent some time writing about the things that are holding me back from my very good goals, and when I finished, I tore the list up in little pieces and put it in the shredding. Today…
  • I'm sort of a night-shifter since my spinal surgery 2 yrs ago. Pain used to keep me awake so much that now I can't fall asleep sometimes til 4, 5 a.m., then sleep for about 5 hrs, start the day shift. I'm retired, and glad of it now that my health is better. Worst part of night shift is that I like to talk and no one else…
  • I am new to MFP, found it 2 wk's ago, really encouraged by members' sharing. I was able then to make some major changes to my eating (which has been out of control for 2 years). No visible results yet, as some have talked about. I am trying not to get too excited about what I'm doing, just being methodical in logging in…
  • I am pre-diabetic with elevated triglycerides from too many carbs, sugar, and possibly artificial sweeteners, I am finding out. 2 wks ago, I stopped using sugar, sweeteners, and specific foods that trigger compulsive overeating. I actually had no ill effects, and the awful craving for empty calories has taken a hike…