I have very similar weight loss goals! My food intake goal is to limit red meats and sodium and increase veggies! Calorie counting and actually weighing my food/ paying attention to the serving sizes has made a huge difference for me. I didn't realize how many calories I was consuming before. MFP has helped open my eyes a…
@Olgaukr83 I'm expected to have surgery # 5 in a few months (over a 1 year time period) :( I've really been trying to stick to a limited diet too- the stones are TERRIBLE, I don't want to deal with them anymore! My dietician advised not only to stay away from the high oxalate foods, but to increase calcium, and decease…
Make large meals on Sundays and eat the leftovers throughout the week. You can even make pre-make meals that you can freeze and pop out later to cook quickly. Good luck! :smile:
You aren't alone in this! I do the EXACT same thing with my daughter's snacks- goldfish, oreo cookies etc. I've tried leaving apples and bananas on the counter, but I think I'm going to have to switch HER snacks up to fruits and veggies and primarily cut out the bad stuff (probably the best for both of us). My willpower is…
@Go_Deskercise HAHAHA Perfect! :) I love the motivation!
I'm back after a few years of trying to motivate myself... add me too! :)