Thank you for all of your answers. Yes, my macro levels are all at default by MFP. I'm on a gaining weight regime, so Im currently eating way more than my regular calorie intake some months ago. My sleep hours depend every day because I cannot fall asleep every day at the same time. There are days where I only rest 6 hours…
Thank you a lot for your replies. I will start cooking my own lentils, they're definitely worth it and the taste is totally different 🙏
Hey Lynn, thank you very much for your answer! I'm clarified now. Have a nice day!
Thank you for your answer guys, specially to likejoycePT. I don't know if I should assume you are Portuguese by your last two letters but if you are, I am as well. But I'm currently living in Bulgaria. Agradecimentos de um Coimbrense 😀🇵🇹
Thank you for your answers! Since I don't have much information because of what I said above, I will then assume that for instant preparation packages I should put the nutrients as is on the package, and for raw beans, rice, etc, we should weight it after we've cooked it! Hopefully I will not lose nor win much accuracy on…
Thank you for your reply Panini911. Actually it is going to be very difficult to answer you what's in the backside of the package besides the nutrition facts that I got. And the reason is that I'm currently living in Sofia, Bulgaria, and since they use the Cyrillic alphabet I still don't know how to read most things…