traceykj85 Member


  • I've been going through this myself! I recently went and dyed my hair the rose gold color I had been wanting to for a year and realized how little I have been doing for myself, including accepting less than I deserved. That weekend I went on an overnight trip with some girlfriends, also all moms and saw them all…
  • I have a 4 year old and about 85 pounds to lose. I currently only weigh about 10 pounds less than I did just before having my son. I lost nearly 70 pounds (had gotten up to 260 while pregnant) when my son was 2, but have slowly gained most of it back since transitioning back to working in the office after working at home…
  • SW & CW 250 GW 160 I just started back today and I am determined to do it right this time. No excuses! Goals: Log all meals Drink 125 oz of water daily (especially on weekends when I drink none!) Walk 25 minutes after dinner daily