Yah thats true about the tangents lol. Should never google certain things. But I feel like that particular one effects my posture quite a bit. Which effects my shoulder a lot. And having weak glutes effects everything. So Ill stick with that one. Yah the more I ask about the shot, the more i get people telling me that one…
Man I hope it goes well. If you dont mind posting your results that would be awesome. Yah it was the same thing with me. Had about 5 doctors try to diagnose it. But they could never press on the point where it hurt. The Ortho asked me a few questions then pressed exactly where it hurts first try. Then told me it was…
Yes the surfing and working the Lats at the gym help. but i have to do them every day. When it gets bad it feels like a hot iron on the left side of my back. It takes like a week to slowly go away. Or just stays for months if i dont at least work the lats. or do y's i's and t's. I wish i could surf everyday but mother…
Yah. The rhomboid looks pretty much right where it hurts. I just realized when i said the exercise that helps the most is working the traps what i meant to say was the LATS. And now i cannot edit it for some reason. Hope it doesnt conflict with any good advice or people seeking advice. Similar workouts but the working the…
Thanks for the reply. I hope the surgery fixes everything. Did you think it was an AC joint tear at first too? Its such a weird issue. Was your pain only in your clavicle? or was it in your back under your shoulder blade as well?
Hey man. I do not have the ailments or any real advice but i notice you are posting very detailed information about what you are going through and your successes. I learned a lot just reading it and i just wanted to say thanks. This is the type of stuff that makes the internet so great. I made a post about my issue in…