tal_nahum Member


  • its broken bud, yesterday I ran again (same exercise from above picture) without heartbeat sensor and it gave me 900 calories, ok u may think it needs heartbeat sensor on , the calories from steps was 260 for about 14k which seems reasonable taking into account the running steps and calories (not to double count) but then…
  • this was the end of the day total. today I investigated further , turning my hearthbeat on again , calories are very high again about 400 per 6,500 steps. I tried installing another app "Pacer" to act as a "middle man" in reality , there are some problems , Garmin shows 6532 steps , and pacer shows 6596 which is okay but…
  • try reinstalling the app
  • Hi, thanks for ur help , I would like to learn from ur experiance one more thing , ur saying that all ur devices have been very accurate , yet iOS health and Garmin gives different results , almost double in the diffrence , so one of em must be inaccurate , as for today, I have turned off my heartbeat sensor and the…
  • Hi, the amout of steps are the same on both devices, I ended up with 400 calories while my max was 300 on my iPhone and that's about double what iPhone gave me on average each day I understand garmin also takes into account my hearth rate so: is there any 3rd party calculator that MFP will use to calculate the calories?…
  • Can u explain my case? Garmin calories: Apple health calories: im using vivosmart HR watch , Ill take the iphone calories as the correct one since it takes into account the activity level steps aswell and not adding them , i have negative adjustment active