ducttapebowtie Member


  • Quinoa! It's a seed, not a grain, technically. I also really like low-fat string cheese, personally.
  • I use the Hyvee Generic Vanilla brand. I'm not super picky because I tend to blend it into a smoothie with lots of fruits and seeds, so if it doesn't dissolve well it's hard to tell. The previous powder I was using was pretty high carb, so I was mixing it with water. It was the Chocolate Body Fortress. No chalky taste, but…
  • I've been engaged for two years, but don't want to hate my wedding pictures, so we haven't even started planning. It wasn't until I nearly hit the next "milestone" on the scale that I was actually determined enough to make the change.
  • If It Fits Your Macros helped me by giving me more guidelines of numbers to hit. I would also recommend more high volume foods. It's just hard to overeat certain foods by volume.
  • The fact that you know you feel better when you eat differently means you can still get back on the wagon. You got this! You've only screwed it up if you give up.
  • I weigh every morning, but put more personal focus on the weekly average. The scale is what shocked me into starting this journey, and honestly, even though I have a ways to go, seeing numbers I haven't seen since (probably?) high school is still really cool to me, and inspires me to keep my focus.
  • Dinner is bigger just kinda by default. I work most days until 4. I don't intentionally do IF, but it just ends up that way. I get up at 6 and by the time I'm hungry (11 or so), my job is busiest. If I eat "lunch" it's pretty small and takes like five minutes or less to make/eat.
  • Mine is open. I mostly stuff protein in my face and make do with what I can at work, so it's probably not too terribly interesting, but you're welcome to add me if you'd like. I don't track exercise or anything, only food, but I try to do that as well as possible. :blush:
  • My fiancee bought me a tank top for Christmas two years ago, and it was significantly too small on me. Pulled it out because laundry day, and it's actually kinda loose now. :blush:
  • I really like my fitbit. It was a gift two Christmases ago, and it's super useful for keeping track of my steps during the day (I work on my feet) and tracking my sleep. I've even taken showers without remembering to taking it out and been stuck in the rain with it, and it's still kickin. (Not sure if it's actually…