T4RH33L_80 Member


  • I researched for a bit and found a pair of walking shoes that I love. I don't run. I know that I would probably be having more issues if I did.
  • Yeah, I've been augmenting my cardio with a stationary bike so that I'm not impacting my shins as much.
  • Yeah, I typically try to walk very fast. I need to go at a more leisurely pace.
  • Thanks for that advice. I don't run either. But, I do walk. A lot. I had shin splints last week and I rested/iced until the pain no longer occurred after taking a short stroll. I now wear a compression sleeve on that leg and I got some new walking shoes. I've also cut back on my walking. Instead of a 5-minute walk each…
  • I'm using the Fitbit Ionic and am very happy with it.
  • Yeah, MFP has not been syncing with trackers for three days now. MFP has not said much beyond that they know there's an issue.
  • First off, thank you all for this information. I use the Fitbit Ionic to track my steps. How accurate is that with MFP for the calorie count? Since MFP has been broken I've had to manually add my exercise by using past counts when it was working to match up.
  • So, since I've been under certain misconceptions this entire time and assuming I have my goals properly set up now. What should my remaining calorie count look like each day?
  • Maybe that's why I have so much left over. I do sit all day for work, but I walk for an hour three times a day and every hour during work I walk for 5 minutes. I set my goal as "active". Should I set it to " not active"?
  • Should I adjust my activity level to very active since I'm walking so much?
  • Thanks for the info. I will be adjusting my intake immediately.
  • Current height and weight is 6' and 235 pounds. I'm losing about five pounds per week. I average around 1500 calories eaten per day. I do use a food scale to weigh all my portions, ingredients etc.