Definitely! Same like with 1984 - why people have used these novels as how to books instead of the warnings that they so clearly are is bonkers
What’s crazy is that when I read the book 20 years ago it felt like such an alien world! A world that I couldn’t imagine being part of my reality....cut to 2019 and it feels more of a possibility than ever! I love the show!! Gives me all the feels all at once. Aunt Lydia is a confusing little psychopath isn’t she 🤣
Hi all - hope you’re all doing well today! I’ve been battling the bulge for years - have always been on the heavier side but am so absolutely fed up of it now! My body is screaming at me to stop and take notice of what I am putting it through...really need to start listening. I get random bursts of motivation and do really…
Listening to a “90’s love songs” playlist on Spotify and miming along - wishing the walls were a little thicker or that I lived in the middle of nowhere so I could let gooooooo!!