goatelope Member


  • Thanks so much for this - it’s really helped. I have this fear that I’ll stick with the diet and then weigh myself and there won’t be any change. It was a bit of a shock this time with weight gain - in the past it was so easy to lose weight but this time it has felt nearly impossible. I guess maybe combination of knee…
  • Thanks everyone. I guess half the battle is facing facts and sticking to the plan. I have the sensation that I’m getting bigger but I just have to stick to the 1200, keep it nutritious, and re-weigh myself to see how I go in another week or two weeks.
  • Thank you very much to both of you! It helps just to get a bit of moral support. It sounds right, what you’re saying. I really am very sedentary so I am going to stick at 1200 per day, keeping it healthy and nutritious. And I will weigh again in a week or two. Thanks again.
  • This is the first time I’ve stepped on the scale in many years. I knew I had gained and gained. I tried to avoid seeing the weight on the scales but after a couple of weeks of tracking calories I felt there was no difference and finally weighed myself. I am 182.6 - I used to be about 140. If i stay at 1200 cals will I see…
  • Thanks. I don’t even know what maintenance would be! I am so distressed by my weight gain. Before Christmas I was relatively slim but I just gained and gained over November - April. I’m now 180lbs