Kim do you find once you start your next day workout your soreness becomes less noticeable? Have you also tried foam rolling before workouts? Stretching after your workouts too. Although i do not feel you will never not be sore from your workouts maybe these suggestions will help. Great Job on your work out routine!
Good evening everyone! I love all the good vibes i am getting from reading your posts and your successes! Feel free to add me and I love to swap workouts and recipes!
Good for you!!!! You finished no matter the speed or time you finished! 🏆
Today I worked on meal menu for next week. I get groceries every two weeks so going to use what i have left for this week which is all healthy items Thank Goodness! Next week i am going to move towards the Mediterranean lifestyle and do an 8 week challenge and see how it goes. I am not a fish/seafood eater at all and i…