kloigton Member


  • I think the key is to find something that works for you. We are not all the same and too often generalised information may not be appropriate. I have tried a number of ways to lose weight in the past some more successful than others. Currently I have found that IF is not an issue. I have been able to cope with 18:6, only…
    in Hi Comment by kloigton July 2019
  • There are free image manipulation programmes which you can use. Not only to cover your modesty but also fun to play with. Something else to keep you occupied and away from food.
    in Photos Comment by kloigton July 2019
  • I am aware that the scales are not the only measure of progress. Nice to have a jacket that sits properly or a shirt that doesn't gape when buttoned up. Hoping to look at the current photos in a few months time and be shocked at the state of them and proud of the shape I will be in.
    in Photos Comment by kloigton July 2019
  • Yesterday was my first and it went pretty well. Managed to keep busy and away from sweet snacks, for the first time in living memory. Drank lots of water. Early evening felt a bit tricky so I went for a walk. On my stroll I passed three Chinese restaurants, one Curry place, two chip shops and a pizza place! The smells were…
  • Be realistic. How far away is the graduation and how much weight do you hope to lose?
  • Thanks for the links
    in Photos Comment by kloigton July 2019