nappingcatpress Member


  • Cut out added sugar; you'll be shocked. Not ALL sugar, but anywhere you can. My daily coffee was adding over 300 calories alone, and the resulting insulin turbulence caused me to be starving throughout the day, so I'd be grabbing snacks just to keep my energy up. I cut out 90% of my refined and added sugar, which, after 2…
  • So glad you're recommitting. You absolutely can do this. Two pieces of advice. 1) take a week to cut added sugar and salt from your diet. Keith Richards said it best (though not about quitting sugar) "it's just 3 days of climbing the walls, they yer fine." I cut down to the nubbins, but my wife went have as far, and we…
  • Using the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation, the difference between the basal metabolic rate of someone of the same height and activity level being 225# and 150# in only 100-200 calories a day. The problem for people is that, to get from A to B is that it will take a few years to do that. A slow but permanent rate of weight loss…
  • Now, I don't know you, but to gain 2 pounds in one week -- assuming activity level are unchanged -- you'd have to consume 1000 calories MORE a day than you were -- actually, more than that if you were on a downward trajectory. Not saying that can't be done, but it's unlikely. My advice is, either keep to the diary OR use…