eannamfp Member


  • I've been doing mostly okay :) I've succeeded in weighing in every day, tracking food every day, and being more conscious about some of my food choices. I'm struggling a bit with balancing my social life and diet goals though, and also this week has been pretty horrible in terms of other health goals. Monday and Tuesday I…
  • I've been struggling with balancing spending time with friends and sticking to my calorie goal. Yesterday I spent the whole afternoon/evening after class with friends, and I ended up going out for dinner and drinks. All in all I went about 700 calories over my goal, and it was disappointing seeing a 3 lb weight gain the…
    in Struggles. Comment by eannamfp July 2019
  • I don't think this is right, a sushi roll usually refers to the the entire large roll before it's sliced, so one sushi roll is the entire order of 6-8 pieces.
  • I have the exact same problem. What sometimes works for me is just planning on eating a small meal/snack right before bed, something that you find satiating. For me that tends to be hot liquids and salty things, so sometimes I make up a little bit of miso soup right before bed, sometimes with a bit of added tofu. I use…
  • F/19/5'5.5 SW:174.5 CW: ~160 (I was 163 lbs last night fully dressed after eating/drinking all day) GW:135 My goal for this challenge is to be 135 lbs by the end of the 100 days, but I'm unsure if that's my goal in general. I'm hoping to stick to ~1400 calories a day but I think I'm going to aim more for that to be my…