DanaLizard Member


  • Broke to 55kg today! Last year this time I was at 62 kg. This also finally puts me into "normal weight" of the BMI (not that I give too much about it, I'm too small for the adult ones to properly apply)
  • Top-surgery would be a longterm goal for me too - I'm trying to get Testosteron and essentially have to pretend to be trans instead of nonbinary bc the laws here are awful, but as my gender pends more toward male that's not too much of an issue
  • /beenawhile I am back here - hit a bad mental health spot that almost got me into hospital, so that took priority. Now back to goal. Good thing is I didn't gained back as much as I had before, so at least I don't start full from scratch. Also my new work allows me more freetime to a, exercise and b, cook. Current goal: try…
  • In my opinion unisex bathrooms were the best. Here there's stalls anyway and it's not like anyone controls who enters. Once long lines build in front of the woman ones I've seen the ones bold enough just walk into the mens one. I will see. It's not like I have any expectations yet and I loose it as much for my health as…
  • A lot of it isn't even really about how many people are affected, it's just a mix of lacking education on the matter and misinformation. Like a lot of people got upset because they thought every public place would have to install a third no-gender bathroom and who was going to pay for that? The lack of a good equivalent…
  • Ah, I'm comfortable alright at work, been in that office for two years, but it also means knowing that the people there are not open-minded enough to accept it. I had severe issues with bullying in school – for other things, just left me with an anxiety disorder bad enough that I'll not have the stress of how and when to…
  • Hi! Nonbinary Ace from Germany here - I'm 22 and mostly presenting as feminine too because work and not being out anywhere not online. Still figuring things out since it only clicked for me about a year ago, tho in retrospect there've always been issues and hints. Started here to loose some weight for a more androgynous…