

  • It's a big, fat NO from me! If you're unhappy then you need to communicate, if that doesn't work and professional help doesn't sort things out then you need leave. Cheating cannot make you truly happy and if you start a relationship from the bowels of an old one you being deceitful to not only your spouse but to yourself…
  • Great Job! Congratulations and well done for you self determination and dicipline. You look great!
  • Hi Hi, Firsty, You need to understand that 1200 calories is the absolute minimum a woman should take on in a day. This is already creating a large calorie deficit and you should lose weight without any exercise. When you exercise you burn even more calories so you should eat more. If you don't you are putting your body in…
  • Hey Reggie, Great that you're doing strength training. I was a little disheartedn after the first time I input the training on MFP as it showed no calories burned. However, i do recomment that you invest in a heart rate monitor as this will tell you the calories you burn in the time period you work out.. It is also…
  • I broke my plateau after Christmas by Zigzagging and also by strength training over Cardio workouts. The more weight bearing exercises you do the greater the build in muscle and that means your metabolism will improve. I also shook up what I was eating as i had fallen into a rut of eating the same things week in week out.…
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