shynn3 Member


  • Hey All, tell me what you lost in your first week, please!! I’m interested in the difference’s!! Also, what is it you struggle with the most on keto!!!! I am here to support you!!!
  • I may not be vegan keto but I understand how hard it is eating processed crap!! LOL I have watched so many YouTube videos on how to find keto snacks and meals that you can buy at any grocery store. Finding this my fitness app really keeps me accountable. Logging all my food and then after I have logged I scroll all the way…
  • So far so good!!! Almost quit today!!! But something stopped me!!! Please send good thoughts my way!!! Much appreciated!! 20 carb limit for me!!!
  • Started Keto July 29th. I am already down 3.2 pounds and it’s only my 2nd day. I drink a lot of water as well. As soon as water is empty I fill it up right away. Downer is I’m completely exhausted today!! I’ve heard of the “keto flu” but I’m only experiencing exhaustion. Is this normal?? Is exhaustion part of the keto flu?…