@showjumper ouch! Yeah it doesn’t get THAT bad here. I’m actually in SD! It just been so humid I don’t even want to be outside hahah. Winters aren’t bad at all here.
@showjumper oh good point! I’m in CA and right now summer is pretty intense hahah so I run about 7-8 before it get too warm. When summer is over we’re at the zoo every week for an hour or two. Thank you so much!
@showjumper I’m going to! Someone else suggested that as well🙂 I have access to a gym, I don’t want to go to an actual gym because, embarrassing and also because I’d have to leave me daughter. But my apartments has a small gym, should I run on a treadmill instead?? I thought about that today because I thought maybe the…
@Hyacinth_Hippo definitely will! I was doing this while jogging I kept telling myself head high and to loosen up! I’m definitely going to talk to a dr! Mostly because I desperately want to lose weight and need a lot more guidance! But my SO just got a new job so waiting for insurance to kick in!
@apullum thank you so much!
@fitoverfortymom hm good point! Being super honest right now I guess I see myself and don’t think I’m too big so I guess I thought I could just jump! But I’m about 5’4 and weigh 165. I know to feel better to need to do this! Thank you for the advice!
@LyndaBSS you’re so right!! I need to actually to the diet part, too! I’ve been telling myself I will, but I will lose the dedication if I change that because I have no clue what else to eat. For the most part we eat great, my daughter eats way better than I do, I should learn from her lol. So I just started eating less…
@apullum i do slow paced walks every afternoon about 20-30 minutes while my daughter rides her bike. I started doing that about a month ago. Thank you so much!
@showjumper I bought these shoes a couple months ago because just walking kills my knees. They’re great! And wear knee braces my knees did feel uncomfortable but honestly it was more my shins! So should I not aim to walk/jog that distance? I kind of just thought one hour would be good and that’s what I got done..
@LyndaBSS ugh you’re probably right! I was kind of hoping to be able to jump into it! Desperately needing/wanting to lose weight! Thank you!