I save calories for a snack before bed an apple or something small just to not crave
One day over calories I have been counting calories for a few years now and one day no big deal. hell I have logged over my allotment for days and weeks before it's ok.the past is the past its behind you now.
I have to fought this for years. found a good full spectrum cbd helps me tremendously.good luck
I take a walk daily resistance train and turned off the news.
Good morning myfitness pal new member here feel free to add me
Tbe blue ridge mountains
It can be a slap in the face but i have enjoyed it
Relaxing on the porch after dinner
Keep working so hard that your haters watching will ask for an application
One hour of fullbody then a 2.5 mile run
I cook for a living also and i have the same problem.I use my tasting calories as my daily snack log entry
Only you know its a non traditional breakfast here in america
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