@rwnhz Your welcome :) motivation doesn't always come in the form of some orange shiny ripped person yelling at you to "fight that flab" 😂
@brittanystebbins95 Yeah tell me about it. I go ape over every tiny detail in messages and worry that it's a negative comment. Plus loads of people on here are american and have funny ways of saying stuff :D to be fair so do the Brits :#
@brittanystebbins95 I know ;) I got the joke. A friend of mine started eating for two in the first trimester. Now she still looks pregnant 2 years after baby has been born and keeps moaning that the weight won't go.... :neutral:
Hey @rwnhz I'm not saying this will definitely fix your dilemma. But do you need to go back to the reason why you started? Take some time focussing on you. Today if I have a good day food-wise im going to treat myself to a fizzy bath <3 o:) If I feel myself slipping and thinking about biscuits (my weakness ;) ) I will…
Poker face by lady gaga o:)
Hi ladies! Its so good to hear from people who have already been there. I think the whole sickness in pregnancy thing sounds terrifying but I hate being sick :s @brittanystebbins95 I just hope when you do get pregnant you have a happy healthy pregnancy <3 @SWellz I think I'm trying to lose about the same but I haven't…
Hiya @stricklee11 can I ask how much you lost already? I know what you mean about goal weight. My husband prefers me with more curves (I was quite slim when we met) but I still want to lose a stone and a half :/
Hi @TheRealSlim_Shelly how exciting! I've not had a baby before but I'm like you it's such a motivator! Also I'm 2 lbs into the overweight category :# Thanks @puffbrat I'm really rubbish at finding stuff on here!