RFC2549 Member


  • Even then. I tend to reach or exceed those while rarely reaching carb limit. Been this way my whole life.
  • I've always started shedding more when losing weight, even with slow weight loss.
  • Yes. When you're close to or at a healthy weight, it's very visible. May be a whole clothing size.
  • Someone wants their house toilet-papered.
  • What sorcery is this?
    in PMS Comment by RFC2549 October 2019
  • Cardio (I think specifically HIIT but would have to Google because I don't remember) helps reduce visceral fat. There was a study. That's the only specific fat loss benefit that I know of beyond helping with a deficit. If the question were about maintenance, then I would argue that regular exercise is an essential part of…
  • It tends to come off where it last came on and come on where it last came off. Face and upper body seem to be common starting areas.
  • There's a lot of creepy kittens in the Fun & Games section.
  • I'm going to file this under "Things that didn't happen but OP wanted some good thread bait."
  • Please do not promote fear-mongering that may dissuade a smoker who is unable/unwilling to quit cold turkey from using an alternative product, whether nicotine gum or e-cigs, that could potentially help them eliminate cigarettes and greatly improve their health and longevity (as well as the air of those around them). If…
  • Those kids in the news lately all were using cartridges purchased off the street. These happened in clusters, aka similar geographic areas. They were buying narcotics - not typical electronic cigarette liquid or store-bought nicotine pods. https://cei.org/blog/if-you-vape-illicit-street-drugs-it-may-kill-you-duh
  • To all those saying there is dangerous misinformation out there, you're right. Potentially millions of smokers with a 95% less harmful alternative available will die because of an illogical, "moral" panic about nicotine and/or vaping that is simply not backed by science. Article written by a doctor and molecular biologist…
  • Social media influences people? *shocked* Are you sure it's not because they happen to be narcissistic *kitten*? If losing weight means you end up losing friends, there are likely some issues there.