tracyleed1 Member


  • Age 52 (until 10/20), 5'7" SW: 351 CW: 312 First GW: 300 Hi, I'm new to the group. I'm working back into low carb as I fell off the wagon and down into a ravine last year and gained back 30#. I cannot exercise right now as I have a mass on my spine that is compressing my spinal cord. It's a challenge just to get around at…
  • I've described myself as a food addict, although I don't often say it out loud. Carbs are my issue - the more I eat, the more I crave them and then back to eating more. Its a viscous cycle. I have tried most every diet and either failed or had limited success - followed by regaining extra pounds. I realized this past year…
  • I'm new to the myfitnesspal, but an unsuccessful professional dieter :( I have limited mobility issues - hoping temporary, but will know more after the MRI next week. The first one showed a mass on my spine that is compressing my spinal cord and is causing major issues with my legs and ability to walk. I have been super…