jsparks4000 Member


  • “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again,…
  • Did this resolve your issue? Personally I've found MFP estimates of calorie burn to be inaccurate and high. I had to research my main activities and got more accurate formulas. In terms of the MFP "exercise for health and cut calories for health"...don't buy that. Most medical Dr.s will tell you exercise is a component of…
  • To be honest, Ive found MFP over estimates most exercise. Although to be fair so do most gym machines and other trackers. Ive researched my most common exercises and figured out most accurate formula and use that and manually edit the entry.
  • 60 minute Peleton power zone ride plus 5 min cool down.
  • I was a collegiate rower. I still occasionally have erg stress dreams. Recently started sculling again but you will not catch me on an erg.
  • I committed to this Sept 1 but have pre-planned breaks (had a weekend trip to Nashville planned in Sep and took that weekend off, next break is Thanksgiving, then Christmas). My primary goal is weight loss. I find just one glass of wine destroys my food discipline. So it's not just the alcohol Cal's. Need to lose 20 lbs.…
  • I believe walking calories burned is about 0.3 x weight per mile and running is around 0.6 x weight per mile. Most calculators are too high.
  • If you are eating back exercise Cal's...I've found calorie estimates for exercise in MFP over estimate calorie burn.
  • I'm logging everything. If I have one chip from the cupboard: log it. Sometimes it stops me from eating the chip...just because it's a pain to log it. One exception: Costco. You know all those "try this stations"? I limit myself to one...but try everything. I have it on good authority that those try stations are all…
  • 6 times/week is fine. But there is a lot of research around cycling an easy week every 3 weeks or so. So 4th week you still exercise but active recovery with lower stress and workload.