ieatveggie Member


  • I am only trying to limit the carbs associated with the protein as I find my carb macros are easy to reach. For perspective I burn over 5000kcal on a work day because of the physical nature of my job so my protein requirements are nearly 3 times higher than the average person in order to support the muscles and muscle…
    in Vegan Comment by ieatveggie October 2019
  • On days I don't work my protein requirement is a lot lower at 60g per day but on the days I work my total calorie expenditure is over 5000kcal per day, nearly three times higher than on a day off, so all my Macros are higher. Carbs and fats I am finding easy enough to hit but I struggle with the protein levels. I am trying…
  • I could do with some help on my macros. I am transitioning to a Vegan diet but have a very active job (burning 2000kcal just with work) and I am really struggling to hit the amount of protein I need so I don't lose muscle mass. I can't have fake meat products and prefer not to have processed products like vegan protein…
    in Vegan Comment by ieatveggie October 2019