Ultimate starting weight: 229.2 Current weight: 229.2 Challenge goal weight: 195 in 8 weeks Ultimate goal weight: 190s 10/24: 229.2 10/31:226.7 11/7:227 9 11/14:230.7 11/21: 11/28: 12/5: 12/12: 12/19: 12/24:
Ultimate starting weight: 229.2 Current weight: 229.2 Challenge goal weight: 195 in 8 weeks Ultimate goal weight: 190s 10/24: 229.2 10/31:226.7 11/7:227 9 11/14: 11/21: 11/28: 12/5: 12/12: 12/19: 12/24:
Ultimate starting weight: 229.2 Current weight: 229.2 Challenge goal weight: 195 in 8 weeks Ultimate goal weight: 190s 10/24: 229.2 10/31:226.7 11/7: 11/14: 11/21: 11/28: 12/5: 12/12: 12/19: 12/24:
What kind of exercises are you performing? The gain might be muscle weight
Ultimate starting weight: 229.2 Current weight: 229.2 Challenge goal weight: 195 in 8 weeks Ultimate goal weight: 190s 10/24: 229.2 10/31: 11/7: 11/14: 11/21: 11/28: 12/5: 12/12: 12/19: 12/24:
Im in. I am 5'10" male 34yrs old.....229lbs from 263lbs. I have been struggling to loose 68lbs since January. I only need to loose 35lbs to reach my it too late to participate