PerfectlyImperfectLife Member


  • False - probably just one (and I'm not counting today) TNP is looking forward to an upcoming vacation.
  • Made it out for my first None 2 Run run this morning. It was very chilly and slightly wet, but still beautiful out and I enjoyed it. I'm hoping if I can enjoy running in the rain, I can keep up my motivation over the next rainy month in the beautiful PNW! I made my January goals a bit more firm: 1. 40 miles (run or…
  • Just found this group and I could use some help with accountability, so here goes! Just starting back up with running after having done a couple of triathlons about 10 years ago. The running seems to have been correlated with lower back pain that has been with me ever since (likely due to tight hip flexors). I hated the…