Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Thank you!!!!! And I will stay on as support :-)
Sure! Then Ill so do I just chat and just not submit weights?
Thank you!
Thank you!
Hey guys! I just found out I'm expecting 🙂 Therefore I will be removing myself from the group. Apparently I should be aiming to maintain now rather than lose lol 😂
Hello everyone Thank you for the support, but I will be removing myself from the group. I just found out I'm expecting 🙂 Wish I was at a different weight, but Im sure I won't be losing. I read I should aim top maintain.
Sorry Ive been so MIA this week Current weight : 213 😔 @jugar
Sorry Ive been so MIA this week Weight this morning 213 😔
@micki48 Steps 12/7 4800 Still unsure what's going on with my galaxy watch
12/7/19 Tracked: yes Under: no Exercise: no Steps: 6,120 Water: 64 Exercise: no
😁😁😁😁 @jugar PW: 214 CW: 210.4 I'm so happy.. not sure how that happened, but Ill take it!!! Sorry for the delay, busy day at work Thanks for the support!
Previous weight 211 Current weight 210.4 😁😁 Sat 12/7 It's small, but Ive been at an upward spiral so I will take it!
Im sorry forgot to put this was for Friday 12/6
MUAC logged: yes Under: yes Exercise: none Steps: 5000 Water: 80 oz
Daily check in 12/6/19 1) ❌ Aim to be in bed no later than 11:30 2) ✅Log my food daily! The pretty, the ugly and the so-so days 3) ✅Plan my meals every night before bed 4) ❌10,000 steps daily 5) ✅Post on here daily @micki48 Steps: 5,000 So strange that switching from a fitbit to a newer galaxy watch has decreased my step…
Hey girly I meant it said 0 for all 3 days
@micki48 Sorry I forgot to add Steps for 12/3: 9610
Daily check in 12/5/19 1) ❌Aim to be in bed no later than 11:30 2) ✅Log my food daily! The pretty, the ugly and the so-so days 3) ❌Plan my meals every night before bed 4) ❌10,000 steps daily ( gym 3x week if my plantar fasciaitis gets better) 5) ✅Post on here daily I might eliminate the planning goal as I just don't think…
Daily check in 12/4 1) ✅Aim to be in bed no later than 11:30 2) ✅Log my food daily! The pretty, the ugly and the so-so days 3) ❌Plan my meals every night before bed 4) ❌10,000 steps daily ( gym 3x week if my plantar fasciaitis gets better) 5) ❌Post on here daily Bad migraine day.. went to bed super early but also binged on…
Great job micki!
@brandi_84 @cmhubbard92 MUAC Thurs 12/5/19 Logged: yes Under: yes.. finally!! About time Exercise: no Water: 60 Steps: 5000 I was shocked by my step count... usually at a minimum I walk 7000.. but that's what my watch said.. 🤔
@brandi_84 @cmhubbard92 MUAC Wed 12/4/19 Logged: yes Under: no Exercise: none It was a bad migraine day.. fell asleep at 1030, rare for someone who usually goes to bed at like 12..I was actually almost under calories... until I had some of my favourite ice cream... ideally my husband meant to buy the mini hagen daz vanilla…
It happens don't worry lol
@cmhubbard92 As far as the spreadsheet most of my numbers are correct except I did zumba Monday for 40 minutes and I walked the dog Tuesday, nothing Wed
Hey girly, I thought I had responded to this post, but apparently it didn't go through lol So I forget if I mentioned, but we are currently in kitchen demolition/renovation. What that means... only a fridge and microwave... what translates to.. lots of eating out. I do try and guess what Ill have and where Ill eat, but it…
@brandi_84 Below is my Sunday post, sorry I don't remember things so I figured it would be easier to just quote it lol
I'm usually up between 8-9... I usually have to force myself to go to sleep.. if not..Id be up until 2AM. Sleeping well? Depends on the night. I usually get home between 7-8 so I could never go to bed but 9... ideally wish I could get to 11pm asleep..we shall see
Tuesday 12/3/19 Logged: yes Under: no Exercise: 15 min walk Planned: yes Water: 50 Steps: 9500